Education is part of the school curriculum for all year levels, with all
students receiving 1 x 30 minute lesson a week conducted by a specialist PE
Teacher. The Physical Education Programme is year level appropriate and covers
fundamental movement skills and a variety of individual and team sports. Major
events on the PE calendar include the
annual Cross Country and Athletics carnivals in both the Junior and Senior
school. In the upper students also have an opportunity to participate in intra-school,
inter school and district competitions in a variety of individual and team
The significant part of the PE Curriculum is Athletics in term 2,
with all students learning the fundamentals of throws (discus and shot put),
jumps (long jump and high jump) and running events (sprints and middle
distance). In term 4 students in year 3 and 4 will have Swimming lessons
which are conducted at the Goodna Aquatic Centre. Outside of these major
components, the senior school can look forward to Speed Soccer, League Tag,
Basketball and minor games. The junior school will touch on a variety of the
previously mentioned team sports, but the central focus will be developing and
further mastery of fundamental skills of kicking, throwing, catching and
movement patterns.
Students aged 10 to 12 who qualify at our school Cross Country,
Athletics and Swimming events will be invited to represent the school at the
Central District trials. These trials are a pathway for further honours for all
nominated students.
Representative trials for District Teams are held throughout the
year. Interested students (aged 10-12 years) need to contact the Physical
Education Teacher; Josh Elwell when trials are announced for further
information. These trials are advertised heavily through Newsletter, Facebook,
PE Classes and through the handout given to all students who meet the required
age requirements.
Students are required to have and wear a sun safe hat during
Physical Education lessons. Students who are unable to participate in
Physical Education lessons due to illness or injury should provide a note
explaining their inability.