Buses to Redbank Plains State School
The Westside Bus Company runs a number of school buses that connect to Redbank Plains State School. The bus stop is at the top of the school opposite the basketball courts. The bus details are below.

For more details of bus routes contact Westside Bus Company on telephone 3288 1333.
Westside Bus Company
Lot 14 River Road
Redbank Qld 4301
For more information about public transport to and from Redbank Plains State School please contact the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads at Ipswich on telephone 3813 8613 or visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au/schooltransport or telephone Translink on 13 12 30.
Code of conduct for school students travelling on buses
Every day more than 150,000 Queensland students travel to school by bus. Most of these students are responsible and well-behaved, however a minority will misbehave.
The actions of this minority might affect the ability of drivers to concentrate, and could affect the quality of the trip. This is of concern to bus operators and the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The safety and comfort of all students when travelling is very important.
To address this, the Department of Transport and Main Roads has developed its code of conduct for school students travelling on buses. To ensure the needs and views of all stakeholders were taken into account, the code was developed in consultation with the Department of Education and Training, the Queensland Police Service, bus industry groups, parent groups, principals' associations, unions and non–state school authorities.