9 hours per week
Years Prep to 6
30 minutes explicit reading lessons - daily
Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
We are adapting the Curriculum to Classroom (C2C) units to meet the needs of our diverse range of learners.
These incorporate learning in the following areas (ensuring the explicit teaching of):
- Genre
- Spelling
- Language conventions
- Handwriting
- Reading and Comprehension
Explicit Reading
Students are required to engage in a targeted reading lesson for 30 minutes a day. This a differentiated and explicit reading lesson that focuses on the areas of:
Active comprehension
Real world connection
Text and context
Guided reading
6 hours per week
Years 1 to 7
Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
In Mathematics we focus on hands-on, open-ended learning experiences and investigations.
We are adapting the Curriculum to Classroom (C2C) units to meet the needs of our diverse range of learners.
First Steps in Maths: Number will be used as a diagnostic assessment tool throughout the school.
- Australian Curriculum content descriptions, General capabilities and Cross-curriculum priorities to be addressed lesson learning objectives
- questions about the learning goals to support teacher reflection on student progress in the lesson and to collect evidence of learning
- related resources to support student learning in the lesson, and assist teacher preparation
- language specific to the learning area that is explicitly taught and practised in the lesson (e.g. metalanguage such as (‘numerator’, ‘estimation’, ‘inverse’)
- Clear and explicit teaching and learning sequence.
1 hour per week
Prep 1 to 6
Delivered by classroom teachers.
Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
We are adapting the Curriculum to Classroom (C2C) units to meet the needs of our diverse range of learners.
The guiding syllabus used to inform the Redbank Plains State School program is the Australian Curriculum: Science. Supplementary guiding program resources are Education Queensland’s Curriculum to Classroom (C2C), Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) resources and Primary Connections(PC) science program.
Technology/ Health/ The Arts
1.5 hours per week in total
Queensland Studies Authority – Essential learnings
Humanities and Social Sciences (HAAS)
2 hours per week
Queensland Studies Authority – Essential learnings/Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
Music and Physical Education (PE)
30 minutes per week specialist lessons for each area
Queensland Studies Authority – Essential learnings/Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards